Project Status and Next Steps

90% Design Plans

We are nearing the end of the first phase of the project with EPCOR Foothills Water Project (EFWP), known as the Preliminary Services Agreement phase. EFWP recently submitted their 90% design plan package to the cities and project team. The team is now undertaking a thorough review and due diligence of the submittal.

Land Use Application Under Review

In tandem with the 90% plans, the team has submitted a land use development review application to the City of Lake Oswego Planning Department. This will be reviewed for completeness, and dates will be set this fall for a public comment period and formal public hearings with the Development Review Committee. We will share those dates and opportunities for public comment once they are set.

Sustainability Advisory Board Meeting

On September 18, the project team will be providing an update to the Sustainability Advisory Board on key sustainability items featured in the project, including solar panels, Energy Trust of Oregon incentives, greenhouse gas emissions study, sustainability-centric framework analysis (Envision Assessment), and the possibility of providing reclaimed water to Foothills Park.

Following the Sustainability Advisory Board meeting, on October 3, the team will be attending the Lake Oswego City Council Meeting to provide an update on sustainability.

Project Agreement

In early 2024, Lake Oswego City Council and the City of Portland will be asked to consider all the information on the project in preparation for a decision on whether to proceed with the project. This will be the final “go/no-go” decision on whether the Council and cities will decide to move forward with the project and enter a project agreement with EFWP for the next stage, which involves finalizing design, constructing the new facility, and operating it for 30 years.

Recent Neighborhood Meeting & Council Meeting 7/18

Neighborhood Meeting

Thank you for your interest in the recent Neighborhood Meeting for the Lake Oswego Wastewater Treatment Facility. A total of 37 people attended the meeting on 6/22/23. We hope you found it informative and we appreciate the feedback and dialog provided during the session. Below are links to the meeting recording and materials.

These materials can also be found on the project website under “Materials and Documents.”

Council Meeting 7/18

On Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 3 p.m., Lake Oswego City Council will consider approving a Resolution to Affirm a Public Necessity, to Acquire Real Property for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Project. This is to update and replace the previously adopted Resolution of Public Necessity (Resolution 22-45, passed in December 2022), which describes the land to be acquired for the new facility and the public interest in acquiring the land.

The updated Resolution of Necessity authorizes the City to move forward with property acquisition and relocation of existing businesses by commencing the eminent domain process needed for building the new facility.

Here is a link to the council report and the agenda. You can view this meeting livestreamed on the City’s YouTube channel.

For more information about property acquisition, please review the FAQs on the project website.