Project Update

In October 2024, the City solicited Statements of Qualifications from qualified entities for designing, building, operating and maintaining (DBOM) the new wastewater treatment facility, the first step of a two-step procurement. Later this spring, the City intends to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP, step two) which will include pricing for designing and constructing the new facility as well as long term operations and maintenance.

Once a firm is selected, the project team plans to hold a meeting to share the final designs with the community and continue land use permitting. Demolition and preliminary construction are expected to start in 2026.

Request for Qualifications for Designing, Building, Operating & Maintaining New Facility

The City of Lake Oswego is inviting qualified entities to submit a Statement of Qualifications to provide integrated design, construction, and long-term operations and maintenance services for the new wastewater treatment facility and associated infrastructure to replace the current Tryon Creek plant.

To download the full Request for Qualifications and receive all notifications, addenda, view the RFQ Holders List, etc., a person or company must register and add its individual name or company to the RFQ Holders List here.

Proposals shall be submitted by electronic means only and must be received by October 11, 2024, 2:00 PM PST. To submit electronic (PDF) Proposals, a proposer must accurately complete the required fields and upload their proposal document here.