2nd Neighborhood Meeting: June 22

Lake Oswego and Portland, in partnership with EPCOR Foothills Water Project, are proposing to build a new, state-of-the-art wastewater treatment facility to replace the aging Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. The proposed site for the new facility is located at 99, 101 and 113 Foothills Road, respectively.

Prior to applying for a land use application, the project team would like to discuss the proposal in more detail with the recognized neighborhood associations, adjacent neighborhood associations, property owners, residents, and members of the public. 

Join the project team at a virtual neighborhood meeting on June 22 to learn more and share feedback on the proposed development. 

Date: Thursday, June 22, 2023
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Virtual using Zoom: https://bit.ly/LONeighborMeeting2
Meeting ID: 895 1010 6972
Passcode: 722338
Phone in: +1 669-900-9128 US (San Jose) or +1 253-215-8782 US (Tacoma)

To access a narrative of the proposal, preliminary site plans, elevation drawings, and pre-application materials prior to the meeting, please visit www.lakeoswego.city/planning/online-neighborhood-meetings.

Please note, this will be an informational meeting on preliminary development plans. The plans may be altered prior to submittal of the application. 

For more information about the project, or to sign-up for e-news visit www.lakeoswegowastewaterfacility.org

Project Design Update

On April 4 2023, the City extended a contract with EPCOR Foothills Water Project to advance project designs from a 60% level to a 90% level. In late fall 2022, the 60% design concepts were shared through an online open house.

In the coming months, the project team plans to apply for a development review permit application with the City of Lake Oswego. Prior to this, the project team will hold a supplemental neighborhood meeting with the community to discuss the proposal in more detail. This is planned for late June. More details will be shared shortly. 

Council Meeting 4/4

On Tuesday, April 4, 2023 at 5:30 p.m., Lake Oswego City Council will consider approving an amendment to extend the Preliminary Services Agreement with EPCOR Foothills Water Project for a period of up to 12 months. During this period, EFWP will advance project designs from a 60% level to a 90% level.

A final decision by the Council on whether Lake Oswego will enter into a long-term Public-Private-Partnership (P3) project agreement with EFWP for the construction, financing, operation, and maintenance of the new facility would be expected in early 2024.

Here is a link to the council report and the agenda. You can view this meeting livestreamed on the City’s YouTube channel.

Council Meeting 12/20 & Recent Online Open House

On Tuesday, December 20, 2022, at 3 p.m., Lake Oswego City Council will consider approving a Resolution to Declare a Public Necessity, an amendment to the Interim IGA with Portland, and additional consulting spending regarding the Wastewater Treatment Facility Project. The Resolution of Necessity describes the land to be acquired for the new facility and the public interest in acquiring the land. The Resolution would authorize the City to move forward with property acquisition and relocation of existing businesses by commencing he eminent domain process needed for building the new facility.

Here is a link to the council report and the agenda. You can view this meeting livestreamed on the City’s YouTube channel.

For more information about property acquisition, review the FAQs on the project website.

Recent Online Open House

Thank you to the more than 480 people who recently engaged with our online open house sharing the 60% design concepts! The open house was available from November 9 through December 11. It featured videos, renderings, a virtual tour, graphics, frequently asked questions, and a survey about the proposed new facility.

20 people completed the survey, and the majority of those identified as interested community members.

A link to the open house summary and survey results can be found here.

Project Next Steps & Online Open House

The cities of Lake Oswego and Portland are preparing to extend the Preliminary Services Agreement (PSA) with EPCOR Foothills Water Partners (EFWP) for a period of up to 12 months. During this period, EFWP will advance project designs from a 60% level to a 90% level. This also allows more time for securing all necessary permits and purchasing properties for the new facility.

Lake Oswego City Council will consider approving the PSA extension at their regular meeting on December 20, 2022.

A final decision by the Council on whether Lake Oswego will enter into a long-term Public-Private-Partnership (P3) project agreement with EFWP for the construction, financing, operation, and maintenance of the new facility is now expected in late 2023.

For more information on the delivery process and expected timeline, please review the FAQs on the project website.

Online Open House – Available Through December 11

Our online open house sharing the 60% design concepts is available through December 11. The open house features videos, renderings, a virtual tour, graphics, and frequently asked questions about the proposed new wastewater treatment facility. Check out some of the highlights and share your thoughts! 

Online Open House – Now Live Through December 11

Our online open house sharing the 60% design concepts is now live! The open house features videos, renderings, a virtual tour, graphics, and frequently asked questions about the proposed new wastewater treatment facility.

Check out some of the highlights and share your thoughts from November 9 through December 11 here.